It all started while I was working with the printing technique of photogravure. It is one of the first techniques to get a photograph onto paper. It begins by etching the photo into a copper plat. Intaglio ink is applied to the copper plate with a roller and the excess ink from the surface is cleaned off with a tarlatan rag leaving ink only in the grooves of the etched image. The image is then transferred onto paper using a high pressure etching press.
It was there that the idea for this project was born.
When I laid the tarlatan rag on the table I was always amazed at the dynamic range of the color, from the light white of the rag to dark color of the ink that had been collected in the rag from wiping the plates. I found the rag to be a piece of art on its own. I wanted to hang it on a wall to turn it into a sculpture. But the oil smell was immense; it just could not be done, so I started to photograph it. I have always been drawn to the negative image due to the 3- dimensional effect that the color produces. With the black background the rag floats in the dark space.
The rag becomes live as it creates endless forms
When viewed many photograph, it feels like the Rag has become alive with its different performance in every single frame.